Booking a Rink
Booking a rink at Pelhams Bowls Club is a simple process:-
1) Telephone the club on 01202 572184 to check availability. If there is a free rink at the time and date required ask the steward to reserve the rink for you.
2) Or go to the club in person and ask the steward to check the diary to see if there is a free rink at the time and date required ask the steward to reserve the rink for you.
Booking a rink at Pelhams Bowls Club is a simple process:-
1) Telephone the club on 01202 572184 to check availability. If there is a free rink at the time and date required ask the steward to reserve the rink for you.
2) Or go to the club in person and ask the steward to check the diary to see if there is a free rink at the time and date required ask the steward to reserve the rink for you.